Rosyln Carrier-Brault, MA

Fine Art Photographer

As a cancer survivor, I have found that this was the tipping-point experience that woke me up to live my life more fully with a renewal of what Life has to offer with a deepened awareness that transfers richly, deeply, spiritually, and authentically into all of my Fine Art Photographic images. Even though I continue to work as assignments allow as a commercial photographer, it is my passion for creative expression blends most fruitfully with my creative passions.

The way that I see, the world, has grown through the use of Expressive Art Therapy as a tool to connect with memories and transitional events of my life’s experiences. The Count Your Blessings: A Vision of Hope series was designed with the pairing of an Idiom with the exploration of what it felt like to be a cancer patient. This series consists of twelve images, from the out-of-control feeling of illness through to the renewal of hope, joy, and breathe of life. My goal is not to tell my story, but to create an inspirational image that allows the viewer to connect with your own place of memory and sense of self.

This quote from The Little Prince captures the essence of what dwells within the depths of my creative expression,

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

Roslyn N. Carrier-Brault, MA ©2021


 Roslyn’s Story & Background

It was while I was a serious adult undergraduate student studying photography at Grossmont College in El Cajon, CA, that my first important photographic series began. This is the Sleeping Beauty Series, which started from a single monochromatic color negative self-portrait of planter sconce in 1997, in San Diego, California, while I was working on creating a one-on-of-a-kind handcrafted photo book. It was Sleeping Beauty that won the Best of Show Award for Digital Photography at the Del Mar Fair in 1997. The Sleeping Beauty series, which contains expanded explorations of the source self-portrait, was finally finished in 2011 in Middletown, Connecticut, as I was recovering after my cancer surgery. It was during this time of recovery that I fully committed to the development of mastering the art of making a photo look like a painted image.

My first 35 mm camera came to me when I was 24 years old. It was a basic Pentax K1000 and everything was manual, I totally loved working with this camera. It served me well through the first ten years as a serious photographer by exclusively worked within Black and White photography and served to educate me to develop an astute create an eye for composition and design while learning everything I could about the darkroom. As my studies moved into the world of color film and the color darkroom, my eye for photography, came alive and I was able to discover my own unique artistic style. Plus, it was extremely fortunate to have been a student of photography at the start of the digital area to learn to master the art of working with my conventional photographic images within the platform of Photoshop.

As a holistic practitioner with over thirty years of experience as a Reiki Master Teacher and most recently, as a Universal White Time Healer with hand-on healing working with mineral and crystal lays, my photographic inspirations are flowing more easily from ethereal, soulful, mysterious elements of nature, be it air, water, fire, metal or earth. Working from a base, Chiral-Four-image enhances the painterly aspect of each digitally blended image. This results in images that feel connected to the natural world. Yet, still remain mysterious. The Chakra Series and the New Earth Series still contain works in progress. This series works to expand the connection and inspiration from a higher creative power.

While one can live filled with happiness even when awful things have happened within the past, I have come to learn as a Universal White Time Practitioner that time is transient. The past, present, and future and sometimes collide. Especially, while working out deeply felt issues within the creation of a photograph or a digitally blended image. My creative passion affords me the ability to connect within the core essence of my human energy, to bring forth something positive: the gift of creativity.

Roslyn N. Carrier-Brault, MA ©2021