Crystal and Gemstone Healing


Universal White Time Crystal and Gemstone Healing

For People & Animals

Now Offering Self-Care Home Parties!!!

Self-Care Home Parties are for building awareness of the amazing health properties of Universal White Time Healing.

This includes White Time Healing and working with crystal and gemstone layouts with a sound healing bath.

For more information leave a message for Braulttree Wellness Center at 860-344-9573.

Receiving a Crystal and Gemstone Healing.

Crystal Healing with Earth's vast array of crystals and minerals are used during the healing session to enhance and focus healing energies over the New Earth Chakra centers. Crystals contain strong natural healing energies from Mother Earth’s core. Within each stone vibrates and exists a frequency that corresponds to human emotions and this enhances the healing potential for each client. In a healing session, the Universal White Time Gemstone Healer lays especially combined stones upon the client’s body. The crystal and gemstone lay vary depending upon what needs to be processed on an emotional, physical, spiritual, and/or mental within the client's energy field. The vast amount of stones to work come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. In Universal White Time healing it is not the size of the stone that matters but the vibrational energies that exist within the stone and its blended combination with the other stones within the healing energy lay. Each healer works with a wide variety of stones which may include but is not limited to only Lemurian crystals, quartz crystals, lapis lazuli, amber, moonstone, and what stones are chosen depends on each client’s ailments and what their needs are for in each healing session.

It is shared by each Universal White Time Energy Healer how all minerals contain energy within them from the time they were formed deep within the Earth. This memory—energy can be transmitted to heal people and to help people reconnect to their higher selves & their latent energetic potential. It helps to guide clients to find and help their Karmic path. All Humans hold with the spark of the Divine energy, a fact of life we just forget sometimes.

It is important to share how the combination of Universal White Time energy with the power of Gemstone Crystal Healing makes therapy work very rewarding and like with Reiki the client and the healer are both healed. Energy healing sessions relieve tension, sadness, and pain. Clients feel a great weight lifted from their shoulders. People often weep as they remember what it was like to feel happy.

Today you are invited to come and experience an energy healing session for yourself or purchase a UWTH Energy Healing gift certificate for your loved ones. As with all Universal White Time Healers, it is our calling is to help people remember who they really are and aid them in the rediscovery of their true selves.


Learn more about Universal White Time Crystal & Gemstone Healing

Visit Channie West, the creator of UWTH, at:

My Teacher and Mentor is Bradford W. Tilden, Crystal Music Healing.

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