New Earth Teachers
Tuesday, September 7, 2021, from 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm on ZOOM
NET Online 1 of a 10 Week Course
Tuesdays, September 7 to November 9, 2021
The New Earth Teachers courses brings an understanding of the current energetic changes in preparation of ascension to the New Earth in this affordable training covering a range of topics such as shifts and changes on the Earth, what the New Earth will be like, how planets rise in frequency, how you can raise your frequencies, how karma can be released, how to open up portals on land and water, what is happening on Earth and in our bodies and how our chakras and auras are changing. Once you complete this series you are initiated as a New Earth Teacher and can immediately start teaching these classes so as to spread the important knowledge.
Fee & Tuition Options:
35% off Paid upfront: $495 (save $255);
15% off 2 installments of $320 (save $112)
Venmo: @Bradford-Tilden or Contact Bradford to register by other means. 860-830-5841.
Bradford W. Tilden, MM, CMT, UWT, LSINH
Crystal Music Healing
Inspiration Education Transformation
Composer in Resonance
Medicinal Mushrooms: